March 27, 2017: Updates and Empties

As I told Nadine, I really should be posting my empties, and it’s been a while since I updated everyone on my skincare journey as well as a few other things I’m planning to do going forward, so I figured I’d do both. Continue reading “March 27, 2017: Updates and Empties”

Sephora Play! March 2017 Unboxing


Continue reading “Sephora Play! March 2017 Unboxing”

Sephora Play! February 2017 Unboxing


Continue reading “Sephora Play! February 2017 Unboxing”

Review: BONVIVANT Sheet Mask Fiber 101 Kit from Memebox


You know, I was never really a huge fan of sheet masks until I’d fully plunged myself into Asian skincare a little under a year ago. Now I’m addicted. These things are probably the single best part of my routine, leaving my skin so incredibly hydrated and fresh.

They can get expensive, though. This was my initial issue with sheet masking. It wasn’t very wallet friendly. And if you’re an every day masker, that can be a routine that costs you anywhere from $30-100+ every month, depending on what kinds of masks you’re using, and that doesn’t even include the rest of your skincare!

I am so not the kind of person who wants to spend that kind of money, so I look for the best masks I can get at the cheapest price point possible. Continue reading “Review: BONVIVANT Sheet Mask Fiber 101 Kit from Memebox”

Beauteque Mask Maven February 2017 Review



Beauteque Mask Maven is a monthly subscription. For $15 plus shipping (just under $19 for me), you get a curated bag of 9-11 masks. These are usually sheet masks, but they can vary on occasion. It’s absolutely enough to fill up the month for anyone who does two, sometimes three masks per week, which is nice because you’ll always have a variety of sheet masks on hand. Should you find something you like and purchase a bundle of your own, you can skip a month with Beauteque and take time to try it all out without ended up buried underneath a pile of unused sheet masks.

In other words, there’s no risk of running into the notorious subscription box stockpile with this subscription.

Each month includes a card that gives you more information about each mask that’s included as well as instructions whenever needed, and all masks are packaged in a pretty sheer drawstring bag. When I last grabbed my Mask Maven subscription back in September, they were also including a calendar that gave you an idea as to when to use each mask over the course of 30 days, but I didn’t get one this time. Maybe they’ve discontinued it. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Continue reading “Beauteque Mask Maven February 2017 Review”